Tuesday, September 18, 2007

September Blog

The activities never seem to stop around here. Scouting has started again in full force. Monday night is cub scouts for Ashton, boy scouts for Jordan, and girl scouts for Heather. This weekend Jordanis going down to Charleston, SC to spend the weekend on the USS Yorktown. Ashton has this same "field trip" in March. Tuesday's belong to Caroline and Jessica. Both are in the same troop and Candy is still an assistant leader. They are planning on going on a huge trip with all the fundraisers they have held over the years. Looks like the girls want to go to London. They need a lot more money to do that. Wednesday evenings consist of youth group. Thursday's is gymnastics for Heather and Jessica. Friday we head out to the counselors after school. She has given us great insights on how to deal with dealing with certain kids behaviors. Each week gets a little easier. I like to say 2 steps forward then a step back. Bedtimes have become much easier. We have loaded all the bedrooms with sound machines and lavender scented plug-ins. The kids are all in their own rooms at night now as well which has helped a lot.

Some of the weekend trips have included going back down to the beach house for a weekend. Jessica didn't want to go so she stayed with grandma and grandpa. We also went to Lake Gaston for the kids CAR (Children of the American Revolution). The house we went to was on the lake with a dock. Ashton rode a jet ski, the kids got to go boating, and a cookout for lunch.

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