Wednesday, May 2, 2007

So anyway last weekend I went with the Girl Scout troop of which I am a leader and we went up to Crossnore to assist in various projects. One of the projects was a quilt for cancer patients. You see the Crossnore kids each needed to color a quilt square and we helped them with that. Some of those kids sure can color! Another project we did was helping out with chores in different cottages. The girl scouts cleaned and moved stuff around like furniture. The picture is one we took on the school sign in case you didn't know. The girl scouts stayed at this neat little hotel where they got to swim and climb and go to some creek. Caroline said "it was the best creek ever." Boy was I tired when I got home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can't believe it - i've written you 3 times and gotten kicked out 3 times - not even letting me save my message!

anyway ... here i go again. God bless your patience & energy to handle all those girls for a weekend! glad they got the opportunity to help others and enjoy the hotel & creek as well.
can't believe how grown up & mature caroline looks - last time i saw her was in grandma's living room, doing a few irish dance steps for us all!

praying that the new addition to the house and your family all goes smoothly. i'll try to check regularly and keep updated on all the exciting happenings. i remain in awe of what you're undertaking!
God bless! luv, aunt janet