Memorial Day Weekend 2007
Friday--We left Apex at 3:00 for the 4 hour drive up to Crossnore. This was the weekend that we were to be allowed to bring the kids home for the first time. We arrived at 7:00 and were not expected. No worries. A phone call sprung the kids from their rooms for the weekend. We took a trip to the grocery store to buy breakfast and lunch foods. Eating out was getting old (as well as expensive). Quite an experience shopping with 5 overly excited kids. They all had differing tastes in food fare.
Saturday--The kids actually went to bed at a reasonable hour but were up at 5:40. Ouch! The trip of the day was to Wet n' Wild, a water park in Greensboro, NC. We started swimming at 10 and kept swimming until 5:30 with a short 30 minute break for lunch. No one slept on the 1 hour car ride back to Apex. I do not know how to tire out this lot. We were greeted on our arrival home from many members of the family. Aunt Wendy was there. Emily, Matthew, Aaron, and Katie were there. Aunt Kate and Uncle John came a short while later. There was more playing outside on the basketball hoop, skateboarding, exploring. The kids were shown where they would be staying and where all their clothes were. The 3 girls were in one room and the boys were in the other. However, Heather saw opportunity in the bedroom downstairs. It used to be an office but we transformed it into a very small bedroom. Mostly we used it as a video game room. Heather took it over and moved her bedding to the bunk in the room. (As a side note, construction has begun on the new addition to our home. 2 more bedrooms, a bathroom, and a large family area will be completed sometime in July. All the kids will then have their own room.) That evening we held Christmas in May as we had expected to be visiting with Jessica, Ashton, and Heather in December and the church had purchased a lot of gifts for them way back when so we just opened them Saturday night. Bedtime was at around 10:30.
Sunday morning was very quiet (except for Ashton and Jordan who decided to play this new air hockey game outside our bedroom). We went to Sunday school and church. That afternoon we visited some old friends of the kids from Crossnore -- five girls who were adopted a year ago. We went over to their house for some more swimming. It was a great reunion and Candy and I had a real good time talking to Robyn and Seth (the parents). After 3 hours of swimming it was off to the next event--a cookout at Aunt Wendy's. Lots of good food was present and there was more climbing, ziplining, and running over the next couple of hours. Heather had the chance to put a harness on her new bearded dragon and walk it around the house. Then after all that it was a trip to our neighborhood pool for another hour of swimming. The kids went to bed at 10:00.
Monday was more playing with the cousins. Then the long trek back to Crossnore. The trip went smoothly as mostly the kids just watched movies. We arrived back home at around 9:00pm and are expecting to bring the kids home for another weekend this weekend.
We had a great time meeting the kids this weekend! Watching Ashton follow John on the skateboards was too cute! AND, I am so going with you to Wet and Wild next time!!
It was great to meet all of the kids. We already got a glimpse of what life will be like with them here. Katie was playing soccer with Jessica....Matthew and Ashton with their Heeleys......Heather and her bearded dragon. I think I might have a new helper to take care of my bearded dragons! It was also fun with all of them at the pool. It hit home for me when they were getting ready to leave.....It felt wrong that they were going. They were already home and belong with our family. We are truly blessed. :-)
May 31, 2007 8:42 AM
Hi Freddy and Candy. I read your blog this morning as I was going through my e-mail. Glad to hear things are going smoothly with the adoption process. The kids look so cute. What big hearts you have to adopt them into your family. It must be an exciting time for everyone.
We had a fun Memorial Day Weekend. This is the first year we bought Great America passes so Sunday afternoon we packed up and went to Boomerang Bay and tried out the new Wave Pool. It was fun.
We are heading out to Kauai again to vacation the last week of June, so we are looking forward to a vacation in the sun!
God bless your summer with your soon to be new additions to your home! Love, Janet
Hello to all,
The big day finally came yesterday, and now you all are home. We are all happy that the children have a good home with you! Best wishes to all. I know the excitement is intense. Say hello for me!
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