Thursday, April 26, 2007


Here it is. Our attempt to keep all those interested a place to find out about our family without having to actually call or e-mail us. The fantastic news is that the family will be growing by 3 in about 2 months. We are adopting 3 terrific kids from Crossnore Academy located in the mountains of NC. On May 4th we finally get to meet them and from there many more visits are scheduled. What about our own kids? Caroline is really angry that she does not get to visit until a week later. Her eagerness and excitement is encouraging to us. We still do not know if Jordan is aware that we are adopting. Our house is going to be added onto pretty soon here to make room. Two new bedrooms (with walk-in closets), a bathroom, and a super large family room are to be added. The new bedroom wing will go to the girls. :)


Freddy said...
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windjammer68 said...

That is SO awesome for you guys. Many prayers have been sent your way and God has made it happen in his time. It is all coming together and I am really happy and excited for your/our family. Jordan has Aaron, so he will be fine! I can only hope that Ashton and Matthew will develop a similar bond. Tomorrow is the big day!

Karyn said...

hey! what a great blog! :) it's great to hear that things are moving along. i'm so excited for you all. you're in my thoughts and prayers. what a special time this is with our family growing! :)